The game is Blood Bowl. The rules are the most recent publications from Games Workshop. Namely Death Zone Season 1, Death Zone Season 2, Teams of Legends, FAQs and the Errata. Also taken into account are the NAF clarifications from August 2017
Additionally the optional races Bretonian and Daemons of Khorne are allowed.
There is no post match sequence. Dead or injured players will be healed automatically after each game. No income is generated. Raise the Dead works, but the newly created player vanishes after each game.
There is no 4 minute turn rule. Although if games take too long the orga is allowed to shorten the game. There is no Illegal Procedure if you forget moving the turn marker.
- Every Team has a Team Value of 1.200.000 gc (always).
- This budget can include the following:
- 11-16 Spieler
- 0-8 Re-Rolls
- 0-1 Apothecary (if allowed by the race)
- 0-9 Cheerleader
- 0-9 Assistant Coaches
- 0-9 Fan Factor
- 0-7 Skills
- Every player is allowed to have one skill from his normally allowed categories. Every skill has a cost of 20.000 gc.
- One player is allowed to have a skill he would be able to get on a double. This skill costs 40.000 gc
- One player is allowed to have two skills from his allowed categories(no doubles). This costs 60.000 gc total.
The event is a swiss style tournament.
Point Distribution:
Win 4 pts
Draw 2 pts
Loss with 1 TD difference 1 pt
Loss 0 pt
If two players have the same points following tie breakers are taken into account:
1. Touchdown-Difference
2. Casualty-Difference
3. Number of scored Touchdowns
4. Number of scored Casualtys
26./27. January 2019